4th International Conference on Business, Management and Social Sciences (ICBMASS- 24)
-4th International Conference on Business, Management and Social Sciences (ICBMASS- 24) will be held from 22nd- 24th Apr ’24. This year’s event will be hosted by NUST Business School (NBS), with Centre for International Peace & Stability (CIPS), NUST and NUST School of Social Sciences & Humanities (S3H) as the co- hosts.
This year’s theme is ‘The Digital Revolution and its impact on the Workforce of Developing Economies: Opportunities & Threats’.
Conference Management: Dr. Naukhez Sarwar, Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Mirza, Dr. Asfia Obaid, Prof. Dr. Saman Attiq, Dr. Muhammad Adil Iqbal
For Submission of Abstracts, visit: https://icbmass.nust.edu.pk/guidline-submissions/