Operations & Supply Chain
Operations & supply chain is considered as one of the core areas of any business concern. Operations & supply chain management has a well-established role in industries beyond manufacturing including retail, health care and technology. Operations is inward looking and seeks to converts materials and labor into goods and services as efficiently as possible. Management of supply chain demands a collaborative effort among various organizations within a value chain to ensure competitiveness and success for all stakeholders. Operations & supply chain work in tandem to optimize various aspects such as cost, agility and adaptability of supply chains. As organizations are increasingly turning to global sources to fulfil their supplier needs and seek continuous improvement in processes there is an increased interest in operations & supply chain management. Whether it is cost reduction, lead time improvement, inventory efficiency, procurement leadership, global outsourcing, logistics route optimization, facility location decisions, manpower capacity development, data analytics, business intelligence or ERP systems, operations & supply chain provides the solution. The research-oriented MS Logistics & Supply Chain program is designed to equip its student with the tools and knowledge that position them for a career in which they can make a significant contribution in both local and global marketplaces. It provides a unique learning and research experience through which students are prepared to make an effective contribution in operations and logistics related role in government, industry as well as academia.
Head of Department Message
Dr. Waqas Ahmed
Operations & supply chain management play a critical role in sustainable growth of any organization by coordinating movement of flow of goods & information amongst various partners in the value chain. Advancements in Global logistics and transportation has brought forward opportunities for business organization to flourish but at the same time it has created challenges for them to remain solvent in face of increased competition. This is especially the case with many of SME (small and medium enterprises) in Pakistan. Considering these challenges, the newly established department of Operations & Supply Chain (O & SC) at NUST Business School (NBS) has built a diverse faculty specializing in production & logistics Systems, energy management, operations research, agriculture supply chain and data analytics. It attracts a diverse group of students from both business and engineering background to pursue research in collaboration with industry to establish sustainable, collaborative and green supply chains. Operations & Supply Chain (O & SC) department is actively involved in conducting trainings (both inhouse or at customer premises) and consultancy work with various organizations all over Pakistan. We welcome the possibility of collaboration with local and international industrial organizations as well as academic institutions. These industrial linkages provide opportunities to our students to conduct applied research in this area and effectively contribute towards streamlining of supply chain processes of the organization.
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